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Types of Dental Crowns in Roswell GA

3D rendered cross-section view of three teeth with dental crowns made of different materials at Reich Dental Center – Roswell in Roswell, GADental crowns, integral to modern dentistry, are custom-fitted caps placed over damaged teeth to restore their appearance and function.

At Reich Dental Center – Roswell, we offer various types of dental crowns tailored to individual needs, ensuring a healthier, brighter smile.

What Are Dental Crowns?

A dental crown is a cap that our dentists will use to cover a tooth that is decayed, broken, worn down, or weakened.

Dental crowns are commonly employed in restoration procedures to enhance both the aesthetic appeal and strength of a tooth compromised by gum disease or even tooth decay. These crowns are made from various materials, including metals and porcelain, with the material choice influencing the type of crown.

Temporary crowns are placed over a tooth for a brief period. They are typically made of metallic or acrylic materials and fitted using temporary dental cement or tooth crown glue.

Conversely, permanent crowns are designed to last a long time, typically a minimum of 15 years. These crowns are crafted from durable materials like porcelain and metals.

Types of Dental Crowns

Porcelain Crowns

Porcelain dental crowns are favored because they cover a large portion of the tooth surface, restoring it to its original shape and size. They completely cover the affected tooth, protecting and strengthening its structure, particularly when fillings or other restorations are not viable options.

Ceramic Crowns

Ceramic crowns, named for the material from which they are made, primarily cover a filed-down tooth to restore its shape, structure, and appearance. They are popular because they offer the most natural appearance compared to other types of dental crowns and are a suitable choice for individuals allergic to metals.

Metal Crowns

Metal crowns are constructed using gold or base metal alloys such as nickel or chromium. They are a robust option in dental restoration, being stronger and more durable than other types of crowns.

Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal (PFM) Crowns

Porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns are dental restorations combining a metal core with a porcelain exterior. They provide strong, durable support thanks to the metal, while the porcelain top offers an aesthetically pleasing, tooth-like appearance. Ideal for restoring damaged teeth, porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns balance strength and cosmetic appeal, making them popular in dentistry.

Zirconia Crowns

Zirconia crowns are made from zirconium dioxide, a strong and durable ceramic material. This white solid ceramic glaze is one of the newest materials, providing the strength of metal and the tooth-like appearance of porcelain.

E-max Crowns

E-max crowns, the latest type of dental crowns, are crafted from lithium disilicate ceramic. They are more durable than zirconium crowns and boast a translucent appearance, closely mimicking the look of natural teeth.

Gold Crowns

Gold crowns are dental restorations made entirely of gold or a gold alloy. Renowned for durability and biocompatibility, they are often used for back teeth due to their long lifespan and less aesthetic appearance compared to tooth-colored options.

Normal Dental Crowns

Normal dental crowns, typically made from standard materials like porcelain or ceramic, are used to restore decayed or damaged teeth. They offer a balance between durability and aesthetics, making them a reliable choice for routine dental restoration.

CEREC Dental Crowns

CEREC, standing for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics, are crowns designed to mimic natural teeth closely.

Made from a durable ceramic material, CEREC crowns offer advantages over metal, porcelain, or resin crowns and can be designed, created, and installed in a single day.

Choosing the Right Dental Crown for You

Deciding on the most suitable dental crown can be a bit perplexing, but several factors should guide your decision. The primary reason for opting for dental crowns is to enhance your smile. Hence, you should consider how the crown will affect the look of your smile.

Porcelain crowns are often chosen for front teeth due to their aesthetic appeal. While composite crowns are durable, they may discolor over time with brushing. Porcelain-fused-with-metal crowns offer a balance of durability and appearance.

The longevity of the crown is a key consideration. You want a crown that will not break easily, maintaining the look of the natural teeth you are aiming to save and enhance. Metal crowns are extremely durable and less likely to break, even when chewing hard foods. They are particularly suitable for individuals with habits like biting, clenching, or grinding their teeth, known as bruxism.

The material used for dental crowns significantly influences their cost. E-Max, zirconia, and porcelain crowns are among the pricier options, while porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns are more affordable. Metal crowns fall in the mid-range price category.

Dental crowns come in a variety of shades. For instance, gold crowns have a distinctive golden hue that can stand out against your natural teeth. You should select a crown color that closely matches your natural teeth for optimal aesthetics. Finally, choose a crown that perfectly fits the size and shape of your tooth for the best fit and function.

FAQ About Dental Crowns

How long do dental crowns last?

With proper care and maintenance, dental crowns can last over 30 years. The need to replace them arises only when they are broken, cracked, or otherwise damaged.

The lifespan of a dental crown largely depends on the material used in its fabrication. For instance, crowns made from porcelain and metal alloys are particularly resilient, often lasting the longest.

Does getting a dental crown hurt?

The dental crown procedure is typically painless. Our dentist will use local anesthesia to numb the prepared tooth and surrounding gum tissue, ensuring you do not feel pain during the process. However, some discomfort or sensitivity might occur once the anesthesia wears off.

This should be temporary, lasting only a few hours. Persistent pain could indicate a problem with the crown, such as being placed too high on the tooth. In such cases, you can visit our practice for an adjustment.

Can dental crowns be whitened?

Dental crowns cannot be whitened. If you wish to lighten the color of your teeth, one of our dentists can whiten your natural teeth to match the shade of the crown.

Porcelain crowns are particularly favorable for teeth whitening procedures, as they are not easily damaged by powerful whitening agents. This allows you to undergo teeth whitening without worrying about harming your dental restoration.

Schedule a Dental Crown Procedure with Your Dentist in Roswell, GA

Contact Reich Dental Center – Roswell at 770-992-3353 to arrange a consultation for a dental crown. Our dentists can help you choose the best crown for your needs.

Reich Dental Center – Roswell

Robin Reich, DDS | Stacey Wingad, DMD | Megan Reich Rihan, DMD
Andrea Vita, DMD

Call or Text:


1775 Woodstock Rd, Suite 350 Roswell, GA 30075

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Types of Dental Crowns in Roswell GA
There are lots of variations in dental crowns, from the technology used to make CEREC crowns instantly to your choices about materials. Call us to schedule!
Reich Dental Center - Roswell, 1775 Woodstock Rd, Suite 350 Roswell, GA 30075; 770-992-3353;; 5/7/2024; Related Phrases: dentist;