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Dental Restoration Options Roswell GA

3D rendered cross-section view of a dental implant placed in the jaw between two healthy teethAdults who have missing teeth, either due to accident or injury, need a way to restore their smiles. Luckily, our dentist uses many dental restoration techniques to revive and restore missing teeth.

This breakdown of some restorative dentistry practices from Reich Dental Center – Roswell can help you understand which procedures for oral rehabilitation might be right for you.

Repairing Existing Teeth

If your teeth are damaged due to disease or trauma, you have several options for tooth repair without tooth removal.

First, if you just need a cavity repaired, you can opt for tooth-colored fillings rather than traditional silver dental fillings. That way, the fillings blend in with your natural tooth color seamlessly.

What if you need more extensive tooth restoration to fix cracks or chips? Dental bonding can not only fix annoying chips and cracks but can also fix discolored teeth as well as gaps or spaces between your teeth as well.

For example, if you have that annoying gap between your two front teeth that no amount of braces or surgery was able to fix, our dentist can simply place bonding agents there, and your gap will be gone.

People who need to repair a damaged tooth can opt for dental crowns. Dental crowns are some of the most common dental procedures that our dentist performs. Dental crowns are porcelain caps (usually over a metal cap) that strengthen and protect natural teeth.

They can also be used to cover discolored teeth. Dental crowns can cover and protect your teeth from any further damage due to tooth decay or trauma. You can have one dental crown placed or many crowns so that your teeth remain strong and healthy.

If your molars need repair, you may be having difficulty biting down without pain. Luckily, there are solutions that our dentist can use, such as dental inlays or dental onlays.

Both inlays and onlays are prostheses that dentists use to repair the biting surface of your molars and restore them to normal, which will take away your pain and discomfort while eating. Inlays repair the biting surface of your molar without the tooth cusps, while onlays can repair the cusps themselves. Placing inlays and onlays will help keep your molars strong for a lifetime.

What If I Need More Than a Single Tooth Repaired?

Adults who need more extensive dental treatment will find lots of dental solutions available.

If you have several teeth that are damaged, you may want to opt for dental veneers. Veneers are a type of cosmetic dentistry tool used to give your smile a complete makeover. Our dental clinic can place these thin porcelain or resin pieces over your existing teeth to give them a complete dental makeover!

What if you need dental prosthetics? If you have teeth missing, you need to have some restorative dentistry procedures to give you back your teeth. Missing teeth are cosmetically unappealing, and they have serious consequences for your dental health. These missing teeth can lead to tooth shifting, jaw problems, and an increased risk of gum disease - all of these dangerous for your oral health.

More About Dental Implants

One option for tooth replacement for people who are missing teeth is dental implants. With dental implants, our Roswell dentists can replace a missing tooth in several locations in your mouth. Dental implants use the best dental materials, such as titanium implant screws and porcelain teeth, to give you the closest thing to your natural teeth as possible. With dental implants, our dentist will implant a metal screw into your jawbone to support your prosthetic tooth, mimicking your tooth root so that your new tooth is strong and secure.

Dental implant procedures usually take place in three parts.

First, our dentist will make an incision into the gum tissue where you are missing your tooth. Dentists use the incision in your gum to access your jawbone where the implant will be. The dentist drills a small hole into your jawbone so he can implant your titanium screw. The titanium is light and strong and does not corrode, so it can last a lifetime.

You will have to wait for your jawbone to heal because as your jawbone heals, it is repairing the bone around the implant screw, fusing it directly to your jawbone. This gives your dental implant support throughout your life. In fact, you should never have to replace your implant screw.

After your jawbone heals, our dentist will make a small incision near the implant to attach an abutment that connects the implant screw to the prosthetic tooth. Your gum tissue will need a week or so to recover, and then you will be ready for your prosthetic tooth! Best of all, you will not have to worry that you will lose the tooth because it is anchored securely in your jawbone.

What if you have a group of teeth missing all in one section of your mouth? Multiple tooth implants are also available. These marvels of dental technology use dental bridges with implant screws to give you teeth where you did not have teeth before.

Replacing All of Your Teeth

If you are missing all of your teeth, you may want to consider implanted dentures, which use the same technology as implants to fix permanent dentures to your jawbone. In both cases, you will undergo a procedure to access your jawbone so that holes can be drilled for dental implant screws. Usually, dentists drill between two and four holes into your jawbone to support multiple tooth implants. After your jawbone heals, you will be ready for your abutments and either an implanted bridge or your implant-supported dentures.

What Are My Next Steps?

If you need restorative or cosmetic dental care, your first step should be to give a call at 770-992-3353. That way, we can schedule you for a dental consultation. At your consultation, our dental experts will conduct a thorough dental examination and give you options to restore your dental health.

We can also provide you with information about our dental surgery procedures, dental insurance information, and new patient policies for our dental practice. We love to talk to new patients about all the ways we can help you get the smile you have been longing for and better dental health. Do not hesitate to give our office a call today to get your appointment on our calendar!

Reich Dental Center – Roswell

Robin Reich, DDS | Stacey Wingad, DMD | Megan Reich Rihan, DMD
Andrea Vita, DMD

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1775 Woodstock Rd, Suite 350 Roswell, GA 30075

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Dental Restoration Options Roswell GA
You have a lot of options for repairing or replacing missing teeth in Roswell, GA. Learn more on our website about common procedures & call us today!
Reich Dental Center - Roswell, 1775 Woodstock Rd, Suite 350 Roswell, GA 30075; 770-992-3353;; 5/7/2024; Page Phrases: dentist;