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Dental Bridges vs Implants Roswell GA

3D rendering of a dental bridge being placed over a missing tooth gap that is flanked by two shaved down teethYour smile is your signature, and maintaining it involves carefully considering various dental procedures. Two common solutions for missing teeth replacement are dental bridges and implants. Each option offers unique benefits and considerations, making the choice between them a significant decision in dental care.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are a common dental restoration used to replace missing teeth. They primarily fall under the category of restorative dentistry and are called "bridges" because they bridge the gap created by missing teeth.

Essentially, a dental bridge is made up of artificial teeth known as pontics. They are fixed in place by crowns in between the gap. When considering dental bridges, one key decision patients face is whether to opt for a fixed bridge or a removable bridge.

Components of Dental Bridges

•  Pontics: These are the artificial teeth that replace the missing ones. They can be made from various materials, such as porcelain, gold, ceramic, or alloys.
•  Abutment Teeth: These are the natural teeth or dental implants that serve as the support for the bridge. The abutment teeth are usually prepared by your dentist to receive dental crowns.
•  Dental Crowns: Also known as caps, these are placed over the abutment teeth to provide support and stability for the bridge. The crowns are custom-made to match your natural teeth's color, size, and shape.

Dental Bridge Procedure

•  Local anesthesia is administered to numb the area to ensure comfort during the procedure.
•  The dentist will then reshape the abutment teeth by removing a portion of their enamel to make space for the placement of the dental crowns that hold the bridge.
•  In some cases, if the abutment teeth are decayed or damaged, they may require additional treatment, such as fillings or root canal therapy, before crown placement.
•  After the abutment teeth are prepared, impressions (molds) of your teeth and gums are taken using digital scanning technology or dental putty.
•  These impressions provide precise measurements and impressions of your mouth, which are used by the dental laboratory for customizing the bridge.
•  Temporary crowns may be placed on the prepared abutment teeth to protect them while the permanent bridge is prepared.
•  Our dentist will carefully place the bridge and evaluate its fit, comfort, and appearance.
•  Adjustments may be made to ensure proper alignment and occlusion (bite).
•  Once both you and your dentist are satisfied with the fit and aesthetics of the bridge, it is permanently cemented or bonded into place.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Dental Bridges


•  Faster procedure compared to implants.
•  It can be a more cost-effective option than implants.
•  Preserves the natural shape of adjacent teeth.
•  Provides immediate restoration of aesthetics and function.


•  Requires support from adjacent healthy teeth, which may need to be altered.
•  Greater decay risk and damage to supporting teeth over time.
•  It may not be as durable as dental implants.
•  It can lead to bone loss in the missing tooth area due to lack of stimulation.

Dental Implants

A dental implant is a titanium screw-like fixture that is placed into your jawbone surgically and serves as an artificial tooth root. When it integrates with the surrounding bone, a prosthetic tooth (crown) is attached to the implant. This procedure falls under both restorative and cosmetic dentistry.

Components of Dental Implants

•  Implant Fixture: The implant fixture is the foundation of the dental implant and serves as an artificial tooth root. It is typically made of titanium or titanium alloy, which are biocompatible materials.
•  Abutment: This is a connector piece attached to the implant's fixture. It projects above the gum line and acts as a link between the implant fixture and the prosthetic tooth (bridge or crown).
•  Prosthetic Tooth (Crown or Bridge): The prosthetic tooth is the dental implant's visible part resembling a natural tooth. It can be a single tooth implant for replacing a missing tooth or a bridge braced by multiple implants for replacing several adjacent missing teeth.
•  Healing Cap (Temporary): After the implant fixture is placed, a healing cap or healing abutment may be temporarily attached to the implant to protect the surgical site and promote healing of the surrounding tissues.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Dental Implants


•  Provides a permanent solution for tooth replacement.
•  Preserves bone density and prevents bone loss in the jaw.
•  Does not rely on adjacent teeth, preserving their integrity.
•  Offers superior stability and functionality, mimicking natural teeth.
•  Long-lasting and durable, with proper maintenance and care.


•  Longer and more invasive procedure compared to bridges.
•  Higher initial cost, although cost-effective over the long term due to longevity.
•  Requires sufficient bone density and healthy gums for successful placement.
•  Healing time and osseointegration process may prolong the treatment timeline.
•  Risks of complications such as infection, implant failure, or nerve damage, though rare with proper care.

Dental Implant Procedure

•  In some cases, preparatory procedures may be necessary before implant placement. These may include tooth extraction, bone grafting to augment deficient bone volume, or gum tissue contouring to ensure optimal aesthetics and implant stability.
•  The implant placement surgery is typically performed with local anesthesia.
•  The dentist exposes the gum tissue by making an incision. This reveals the underlying jawbone.
•  A small hole is drilled into the bone at the predetermined location for the implant.
•  The implant fixture, usually made of titanium, is then placed into the bone.
•  Once the implant is securely positioned, the incision is closed with sutures, and a healing cap or temporary abutment may be placed over the implant to protect it during the healing process.

Making the Decision - Bridge vs. Implant

When deciding between dental bridges and implants, several factors should be considered, including:
•  Longevity: Dental implants offer superior longevity and durability compared to bridges.
•  Cost: While bridges may be initially less expensive, implants are more cost-effective in the long run due to their longevity.
•  Oral Health: Implants preserve bone density and do not compromise adjacent teeth, promoting better long-term oral health.
•  Procedure Length: Bridges typically require fewer appointments and a shorter treatment timeline than implants.
•  Insurance: Dental implants often come under cosmetic dentistry and, therefore, might not be covered by your insurance company. On the other hand, dental bridges are categorized as major and are partially covered by insurance companies.
•  Aesthetics: Both options can provide natural-looking results, but implants offer greater stability and functionality.
•  Bone Health: Implants stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss and preserving facial structure over time.
•  Recovery: The recovery period for dental implants is more than six months due to osseointegration, and for dental bridges, it is two weeks.
•  Success: Both dental implants and bridges have high success rates and offer effective solutions for replacing missing teeth.

Are you tired of hiding your smile due to missing teeth? At Reich Dental Center – Roswell, our expert team of dental specialists is dedicated to restoring your confidence and oral health with precision and care. If you are seeking alternatives for missing teeth, visit our clinic to learn more about how dental implants or bridges work. We accept insurance to help you minimize the cost of the procedure. To book your appointment, call 770-992-3353.

Reich Dental Center – Roswell

Robin Reich, DDS | Stacey Wingad, DMD | Megan Reich Rihan, DMD
Andrea Vita, DMD

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1775 Woodstock Rd, Suite 350 Roswell, GA 30075

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Dental Bridges vs Implants Roswell GA
Learn more about the differences between dental bridges and dental implants. Call us in Roswell GA today if you have questions about these restorations!
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