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How Are Molar Cavities Repaired?

Posted on 4/1/2024 by Weo Admin
Molar tooth with magnifying glass showing bacteriaIf you are having pain when you bite down, there is a good chance you may have a problem with your molars, especially the biting (or occlusal) tooth surfaces. If you have tooth decay on one of your molars, how will our dentist repair it? Here are some details about molars and cavity repair.

Why Is My Molar Hurting?

Molars are the largest teeth you have, and they are also the hardest working. Molars take care of most of the chewing and crushing of your food so that your body can digest it to flood your body with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Molars and premolars have uneven chewing surfaces to aid with food chewing and crushing. It is this uneven chewing surface that makes it difficult to brush and floss your molars correctly. The molars are hard to get to as well with your toothbrush and your flossers because they are the furthest back in your mouth.

Because molars are large and the molar surface is uneven, you may not discover you have a cavity in one of your molars until you start to feel pain when you bite down. By that time, the cavity might be quite large.

Repairing Cavities

Repairing cavities in your molars is not the same as repairing a cavity in your other teeth. If your cavity is along the sides or in the back of one of your molars, our dentist can repair it with a simple filling. However, a cavity on the biting surface of your molars may need a more intensive repair. Cavities on the biting surface of your molars can be repaired by using an inlay or an onlay. Dentists use inlays when the cavity is down in the pit or groove of your teeth. Onlays are used when the cavity is on the cusps of your molars. Both inlays and onlays are prosthetic additions to your tooth that our dentist cements onto your tooth surface.

If you think you might have a problem with one of your molars, it is time to let our dentist take a look at it. Why not contact us today to make an appointment?

Reich Dental Center

Robin Reich, DDS | Stacey Wingad, DMD | Megan Reich Rihan, DMD
Andrea Vita, DMD

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Reich Dental Center, 4849 S Cobb Dr SE, Smyrna, GA 30080-7145 | 770-435-5450 | | 5/15/2024 | Page Phrases: dentist Smyrna GA |