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How Are Teeth Numbered for Dental Work?

Posted on 4/15/2024 by Weo Admin
Dentist reviews a patient's digital xrays on her tablet deviceDentists use a tooth chart that separates teeth into maxillary and mandibular arches. The maxillary arc is numbered first from the rear right (1-16), followed by the mandibular arc from the rear left (17-32).

Why Are Teeth Numbered?

With a total of 32 teeth in the mouth, identifying teeth can become difficult. With this large number of teeth tightly squeezed in the mouth, there is a risk of confusion. Dentists invented a dental chart to help in tooth naming and identification. This chart uses a standard teeth numbering protocol to avoid confusion. This chart helps dentists keep track of dental problems even when you change your dentist.

How Does The Tooth Number Chart Work?

The chart starts by dividing your mouth into quadrants. The upper (maxillary) jaw is divided into two quadrants or arches. The top right arch of the upper jaw is quadrant 1, and the top left arch of this jaw is quadrant 2. Quadrant 1 has teeth numbers 1-8, and quadrant 2 has teeth numbers 8-16.

The lower jaw is numbered in the opposite direction. The bottom left arch of the jaw is quadrant 3, and the bottom right arch is quadrant 4. To make this less confusing, imagine that if you opened your mouth 180 degrees, then your mouth would form a clock. The upper jaw would form the upper part of the clock circle, and the bottom jaw would form the lower half of the clock's circle. Your dentist then reads your teeth clockwise, starting from the top left. That should make it easier to understand.

How to Use the Dental Chart at Home

The tooth number chart can also be useful at home. Being able to identify your teeth can help you enhance dental hygiene. With an understanding of the dental quadrant concept, you can customize your dental care routine and assign an equal time of 1 minute to each quadrant to ensure that all teeth get brushed well.

Closing Remarks

Request your dentist to explain to you how the tooth number chart works. This chart can help you enhance dental hygiene by customizing dental hygiene routines.

Reich Dental Center

Robin Reich, DDS | Stacey Wingad, DMD | Megan Reich Rihan, DMD
Andrea Vita, DMD

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Reich Dental Center, 4849 S Cobb Dr SE, Smyrna, GA 30080-7145; 770-435-5450;; 5/15/2024; Associated Words: dentist Smyrna GA;